Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Cool pic (and medical update)

I am tired of blogging because I am tired of talking about myself. I am tired of recovery. And truthfully, I have been busy healing.  That is why I have not written. I will list a quick update then let's talk about something else.

1.   I was ordered right before thanksgiving to two weeks of no extra movement. No exercise, no stretching etc. This was due to a granulation.

2. My incision was still leaking.

3. I saw a urologist who used an ultrasound to determine that I was only voiding a small amount of fluid from my bladder. At 400ml the bladder is full, I was at 364ml after using the restroom. He ordered a cystoscopy.

4.  After the 2 weeks rest it was determined that the granulation was healing. The granulation was cauterized and I was given 2 stitches in my incision without anesthetic.  The doc said that he hopes in two more weeks everything will be totally healed.

5. The stitches popped out.

6.  My cystoscopy determined that my bladder is numb. There are two pockets of lymph fluid that have collected from the lymph node dissection and these pockets are pressing on my bladder. The reason my incision is not healing is this fluid is trying to escape. The stitches popping was
a good thing.  Apparently this fluid pooling can resolve itself in some cases. In other cases they drain this fluid with a syringe.  I made another appointment for 2 weeks from now to have another ultrasound.

Update complete.

Here are some other things I would be happy to talk about if you see me, or want to message me:
I am skiing
Christmas is coming
I have cool holiday decorations
The music lineup for winter is amazing
My parents are coming for Christmas
I love legwarmers

Happy Holidays to all! Here is a picture of me skiing in Iceland a few years ago. That always makes me happy!

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