I have heard in my life that golf is a gentleman's game. To me, this means that a golfer has integrity. A golfer is honest about the score and the rules because normally a golfer is his or her own judge.
Currently, I believe that working out is a gentlewoman's sport. "How so?" Let me explain...
At times, I am in the gym alone. I have an app on my phone with a workout from my coach. It tells me what to do. It has a video in case I don't know the move. It tells me how many sets and reps, and it tells me how much weight I did the last few times I did that particular exercise. From there it is up to me.
If I cheat on my form, or record the incorrect weight, I am a cheater. When I am on rep number 12 and I feel like I can't do another rep, do I give up? Or do I push through and try to do all 15 reps? Am I stronger than my excuses?
I strive to be stronger than my excuses every day. Does that mean I never lower the weights? Does that mean that I never get sick or hurt? Does that mean I never adjust a workout? Absolutely not. I listen to my body, I desire to push myself and be the strongest I can be on that particular day. I rely on my brain and my body to work together to make good decisions.
Last week I missed two days of workouts (the first workouts I have missed since beginning this program.) I was fasting on Monday for a medical procedure that took place on Tuesday. Per doctors orders, I missed two days, which was four workouts. Today I did back and biceps, the workout I missed last week. As I was setting my weight for the lat pull and the narrow grip low row, the excuse side of my brain told me to set the weights lower or the same. The strong part of my brain said to go ahead and increase the weight and just do my best. I ended up having three personal bests today.
Today, I was stronger than my excuses!
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